On May 23, 2024, we are proud to have the opportunity to collaborate with Asia Shine to organize a seminar entitled “Let Acerola start your day”
At this seminar, attendees will have chance to taste 2 kinds of acerola: Brazil HVC and Gò Công or our industry product such as acerola powder, acerola concentrate, acerola puree, IQF, etc…
Then, we also have a mini bar, where they can come and try all the sample, which is made from acerola such as acerola kombucha, acerola juice, acerola red dragon juice and acerola passion juice.
With the participation of more than 22 guests from 12 different companies and lecturers from Ho Chi Minh University of Technology also came to participate and expressed their excitement.
Through the seminar, Nichirei wishes to bring the nutritional value and applications of Acerola closer to customers.